Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Home Sweet Home....

another entry about our new home.....
we went there last school holidays...
just waiting for the "CF" to be released..
hopefully this June!

Wishing that my new work place 
will be around Bukit Kuang...


  1. sya..
    chantek umah baru..
    nnti wat house warming ajak aku ateq neh..
    area bkt kuang yer, tak stuck la ngan jem!!
    tlg usha² tek ke aku area situ, hok murah2 dh la.. heheh, kite pakat dung mamang lake pasni.. =)

  2. lily...
    tulun2 la doa aku dapat transfer balik terengganu ek...cepat skek leh duh umah nih...ko plan nak duk kemaman jugak ke?
